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Three Essential Guidelines for Handling Puppy Vaccinations

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Puppies and grown dogs are vulnerable to infectious diseases. Therefore, if you have become the owner of a little canine, it is advisable to plan for vaccinations. Vaccines are a critical preventive measure against illnesses that could be fatal. In general, the process involves introducing an agent which stimulates the natural immune response of the puppy. Consequently, if the dog is exposed to the disease, their body will be able to fight the infection. Here are core planning tips to help you go through the puppy vaccination process without a hitch.

Understand the Types

When preparing for the vaccination of your puppy, it is important to understand that there are various categories of vaccines. This will help you make actionable decisions on the vaccinations that you should give your little canine. The most critical is the core type. As implied, core vaccines are essential for all puppies. These are designed to protect against illnesses distributed around the globe. Non-core vaccines are also important, but their suitability for your dog will depend on the breed, environment and habits. A less-known category is the non-recommended category. If there is nothing justifying the use of a specific vaccine, you should avoid it.

Consult a Professional

It is important to consult an experienced veterinarian for professional guidance before vaccinating your puppy. The expert will make evaluations and provide a plan to ensure that the canine gets the most out of the preventative treatment. As mentioned, not all vaccinations available for dogs are required for all puppies. Therefore, it may be unwise to commission the use of unnecessary vaccines. Ideally, the vet should assess your dog's health, age and risk factors. The resulting information will be used to develop the safest vaccination plan.

Monitor for Reactions

You should keep an eye on your puppy after the vaccination in case of adverse reactions. In simple terms, the agent introduced into the puppy is intended to stimulate the body. This stimulation can cause some side effects. Most of these are minor and tend to pass in no time. For instance, there might be a little sensitivity around the injection site or a little fever might develop. These are not a cause for concern. However, if you notice persistent symptoms such as weakness, diarrhoea and loss of appetite, it is advisable to consult the veterinarian for a check-up.

Finally, you should keep in mind that some vaccines must be administered on a regular basis. It is advisable to discuss frequency with your pet vaccination service provider for optimal protection. 
