Keeping Your Pet Healthy and Happy

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Should You Desex Your Dog? Here Are 3 Benefits That Come With Pet Desexing

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Most pet owners believe that the only reason to neuter or spay their pets is to keep their litter under control. While it is true that desexing a pet controls the number of little ones you might raise, there are many more benefits that come with this procedure. The desexing procedure depends on the dog’s breed and sex. If you have a male dog, the process involves surgically removing the testicles. Read More»

Is It Too Early To Enrol Your Pet In Puppy Behaviour Training Classes?

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Being a pet owner comes with a multitude of responsibilities. While you get to enjoy companionship and unconditional love from your puppy, you have to ensure that you are nurturing your furry baby by providing them with a nutritious diet, staying current with all their vaccinations and more. However, being responsible for your pup entails much more than keeping them fed and hydrated. One often-overlooked part of being a furry parent is making sure that your dog is trained. Read More»

How Pet Grooming Offers Much More Than Just Getting Your Cat Or Dog Washed

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While many owners love their pets dearly, it is no secret that caring for some dogs and cats can be very difficult, particularly when it comes to cleaning them. That is why professional pet grooming services have popped up all over the country, with many offering complete packages to make sure your pet is clean and hygienic for the foreseeable future. However, most people wrongly assume that pet grooming is just about washing the hair of your dog or cat. Read More»

When Your Dog's Flea Problem Has Gotten Out of Control

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Not every non-human who lives in your home is a member of your family. Sure, your beloved pets are very much one of the family, but the creatures who they might inadvertently introduce to the household are definitely not welcome. Your dog might not be attached to the fleas that have made themselves at home in its coat, but rest assured that the fleas are very much attached to your dog. Read More»

Getting Your Deaf or Hearing Impaired Dog Ready for Their First Grooming Session

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Although the US has the highest rate of dog ownership in the world, Australia still makes the top twenty, meaning that there are a considerable number of beloved Australian pooches who are deaf or have a hearing impairment. There are numerous reasons why a dog can be born deaf or can lose their hearing, and some breeds are simply more susceptible to this. Your dog’s hearing doesn’t affect their coat, and so there’s no reason why your deaf or hearing impaired dog cannot be professionally groomed. Read More»

The Tale of a Broken Tail: When Your Dog Breaks Their Tail

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Ever thought your dog was smiling at you? Dogs can make certain facial expressions when they’re relaxed and in a comfortable mood, but whether or not they’re actually smiling at you is open to debate. Your dog’s demeanour is the best indicator of their mood, and their tail helps you to read this mood. Dogs wag their tails when they’re happy or excited, just as the tail can become rigid when they’re frightened or curious. Read More»

What to Do If Your Cat Suffers a Urinary Blockage

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If you are a cat lover, then you will want to make sure that they are as healthy as possible and never in any pain. You will almost certainly panic, therefore, if there is clearly something wrong and will want to know what to do to avoid a recurrence in the future. Unfortunately, some cats are more vulnerable than others when it comes to a nasty condition that can block their bladder. Read More»

Two Reasons Why a Veterinarian Might Ask You About Your Dog's Pet Food

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There are many situations in which a veterinarian might ask you for details about the pet food that you’re currently feeding your dog. Read on if you’re curious as to why your vet might ask this type of question. The dog has persistent gastrointestinal issues Dogs will often have occasional bouts of gastrointestinal problems; oftentimes, their upset stomach is the result of them eating an inedible object or getting a bacterial infection. Read More»

Lend Your Desexed Pet a Hand! 3 Ways to Help Your Neutered Cat Heal

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After buying a cat from a reputable breeder and bringing it home, you need to neuter or desex it–unless you bought it for breeding. Neutering a male cat doesn’t just control breeding; it also prevents the behavioural problems that most male cats develop. If you aren’t happy with your cat’s frequent wandering, aggressive tendencies and territorial markings, neuter or desex it to stop these annoying behaviours. Pet desexing could also prevent peri-anal fistulas, prostate problems and testicular cancer. Read More»

Understanding Kidney Stones In Dogs

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Kidney stones are made up of naturally occurring by-products of the kidney, such as calcium, uric acid and oxalate. They have a crystal-like appearance and can vary in size and number. All breeds of dog can develop kidney stones, but certain breeds are particularly susceptible to this condition. It’s not always possible to identify why a dog develops kidney stones, but they can occur as a result of recurrent urinary tract infections or a diet that causes the urine to be too alkaline in nature. Read More»