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What to Do If Your Cat Suffers a Urinary Blockage

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If you are a cat lover, then you will want to make sure that they are as healthy as possible and never in any pain. You will almost certainly panic, therefore, if there is clearly something wrong and will want to know what to do to avoid a recurrence in the future. Unfortunately, some cats are more vulnerable than others when it comes to a nasty condition that can block their bladder. What do you need to know about this threat, how you can overcome it and, importantly, how can you avoid it in the future?

Urinary Blockage

Some male cats, especially if they are on the larger side, may have a relatively narrow urethra. This is especially the case after they have been neutered, and they can, therefore, be vulnerable to a specific condition. In this case, tiny crystals may accumulate within the urethra and will eventually form a blockage. When this happens, the urine will continue to flow into the bladder but will begin to back up, and this will cause a lot of pain and discomfort. Urgent action is needed here, including an emergency visit to the vet, who will need to get rid of the blockage under general anaesthetic. They may then need to observe the pet overnight, to make sure that all is right.

Signs of Trouble

If you notice that your cat is straining over the litter box and is not able to evacuate, call your vet for their advice. As this unfolds, the pet may start to cry and may become increasingly lethargic, so you will typically need to take them to the expert as soon as possible.

Changing Diet

In the future, you may need to change their diet to help avoid a recurrence. Some vets will recommend that they go on a soft food diet rather than hard, as this may help them to stay hydrated. You may also need to get a special type of food that is low in magnesium so that the pH value of the urine is more balanced.

Managing Stress

You should try and keep stress levels to a minimum, as this can sometimes trigger an attack as well. Clean out the litter box on a regular basis and make sure that it is as pleasant as possible for your furry friend.

Being Prepared

Always be on the lookout for any sign of a urinary blockage, and especially if the pet has already had one episode. Keep in close touch with your vet and be ready to take the cat in for an emergency visit, should it be necessary.

For more information, reach out to local emergency pet services.
