Keeping Your Pet Healthy and Happy

Two Reasons Why a Veterinarian Might Ask You About Your Dog's Pet Food

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There are many situations in which a veterinarian might ask you for details about the pet food that you’re currently feeding your dog. Read on if you’re curious as to why your vet might ask this type of question. The dog has persistent gastrointestinal issues Dogs will often have occasional bouts of gastrointestinal problems; oftentimes, their upset stomach is the result of them eating an inedible object or getting a bacterial infection. Read More»

Lend Your Desexed Pet a Hand! 3 Ways to Help Your Neutered Cat Heal

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After buying a cat from a reputable breeder and bringing it home, you need to neuter or desex it–unless you bought it for breeding. Neutering a male cat doesn’t just control breeding; it also prevents the behavioural problems that most male cats develop. If you aren’t happy with your cat’s frequent wandering, aggressive tendencies and territorial markings, neuter or desex it to stop these annoying behaviours. Pet desexing could also prevent peri-anal fistulas, prostate problems and testicular cancer. Read More»

Understanding Kidney Stones In Dogs

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Kidney stones are made up of naturally occurring by-products of the kidney, such as calcium, uric acid and oxalate. They have a crystal-like appearance and can vary in size and number. All breeds of dog can develop kidney stones, but certain breeds are particularly susceptible to this condition. It’s not always possible to identify why a dog develops kidney stones, but they can occur as a result of recurrent urinary tract infections or a diet that causes the urine to be too alkaline in nature. Read More»

Three Essential Guidelines for Handling Puppy Vaccinations

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Puppies and grown dogs are vulnerable to infectious diseases. Therefore, if you have become the owner of a little canine, it is advisable to plan for vaccinations. Vaccines are a critical preventive measure against illnesses that could be fatal. In general, the process involves introducing an agent which stimulates the natural immune response of the puppy. Consequently, if the dog is exposed to the disease, their body will be able to fight the infection. Read More»

All There Is to Know About After-Hours Veterinary Services

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If you own a pet, one of your top priorities will be to ensure its health and safety. When your pet develops a sickness, finding the best veterinary hospital is usually the best action to take. Unfortunately, this may not always be easy, especially if you just got your first pet or moved into a new area. Worse still, if it’s an emergency in the middle of the night, you may not know where to take your beloved pet. Read More»